
Next.js TypeScript 支持


创建 tsconfig.json

在根目录下创建 tsconfig.json。我们最初将其保持为空。现在启动服务器。
Next.JS 将检测 tsconfig.json 并在控制台上显示以下消息。
npm run dev
> nextjs@1.0.0 dev D:\Node\nextjs
> next
ready-started server on http://localhost:3000
It looks like you're trying to use TypeScript but do not have the required package(s) installed.
Please install typescript, @types/react, and @types/node by running:
        npm install--save-dev typescript @types/react @types/node
if you are not trying to use TypeScript, please remove the tsconfig.json file from your package root (and any TypeScript files).


运行 npm install 命令安装 typescript 和相关库。
npm install--save-dev typescript @types/react @types/node
+ @types/node@14.0.23
+ @types/react@16.9.43
+ typescript@3.9.6
added 5 packages from 72 contributors and audited 839 packages in 27.538s

启动 Next.js 服务器

npm run dev
> nextjs@1.0.0 dev D:\Node\nextjs
> next
ready-started server on http://localhost:3000
We detected TypeScript in your project and created a tsconfig.json file for you.
Your tsconfig.json has been populated with default values.
event-compiled successfully
wait -compiling...
event-compiled successfully

打开 tsconfig.json

NextJS 服务器已经修改了 tsconfig.json。
   "compilerOptions": {
      "target": "es5",
      "lib": [
      "allowJs": true,
      "skipLibCheck": true,
      "strict": false,
      "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
      "noEmit": true,
      "esModuleInterop": true,
      "module": "esnext",
      "moduleResolution": "node",
      "resolveJsonModule": true,
      "isolatedModules": true,
      "jsx": "preserve"
   "exclude": [
   "include": [

创建 hello.ts

在 pages/api 目录下创建 hello.ts,作为我们的休息服务。
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'
export default (_: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => {
   res.status(200).json({ text: 'Welcome to Lidihuo' })

启动 Next.js 服务器

npm run dev
> nextjs@1.0.0 dev \Node\nextjs
> next
ready-started server on http://localhost:3000
event-compiled successfully
event-build page: /
wait -compiling...
event-compiled successfully
event-build page: /next/dist/pages/_error
wait -compiling...
event-compiled successfully


在浏览器中打开 localhost:3000/api/hello,你会看到如下输出。
{"text":"Welcome to Lidihuo"}
昵称: 邮箱:
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