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插值搜索要求项目按排序顺序,但其最差执行时间是 O(n),其中 n 是items,它比线性搜索快得多。
Linear Search ( Array A, Value x) Step 1: Set i to 1 Step 2: if i > n then go to step 7 Step 3: if A[i] = x then go to step 6 Step 4: Set i to i + 1 Step 5: Go to Step 2 Step 6: Print Element x Found at index i and go to step 8 Step 7: Print element not found Step 8: Exit
procedure linear_search (list, value) for each item in the list if match item == value return the item's location end if end for end procedure
mid = low + (high-low) / 2
low = mid + 1 mid = low + (high-low) / 2
Procedure binary_search A ← sorted array n ← size of array x ← value to be searched Set lowerBound = 1 Set upperBound = n while x not found if upperBound < lowerBound EXIT: x does not exists. set midPoint = lowerBound + ( upperBound-lowerBound ) / 2 if A[midPoint] < x set lowerBound = midPoint + 1 if A[midPoint] > x set upperBound = midPoint -1 if A[midPoint] = x EXIT: x found at location midPoint end while end procedure
mid = Lo + ((Hi-Lo) / (A[Hi]-A[Lo])) * (X-A[Lo]) where − A = list Lo = Lowest index of the list Hi = Highest index of the list A[n] = Value stored at index n in the list
Step 1 − Start searching data from middle of the list. Step 2 − if it is a match, return the index of the item, and exit. Step 3 − if it is not a match, probe position. Step 4 − Divide the list using probing formula and find the new midle. Step 5 − if data is greater than middle, search in higher sub-list. Step 6 − if data is smaller than middle, search in lower sub-list. Step 7 − Repeat until match.
A → Array list N → Size of A X → Target Value Procedure Interpolation_Search() Set Lo → 0 Set Mid →-1 Set Hi → N-1 while X does not match if Lo equals to Hi OR A[Lo] equals to A[Hi] EXIT: Failure, Target not found end if Set Mid = Lo + ((Hi-Lo) / (A[Hi]-A[Lo])) * (X-A[Lo]) if A[Mid] = X EXIT: Success, Target found at Mid else if A[Mid] < X Set Lo to Mid+1 else if A[Mid] > X Set Hi to Mid-1 end if end if End While End Procedure